Rev B,
You are certainly unique.
However, please know, there's lots of crocodiles in this pond.
apart from my biblical belief of a resurrection of all ever borned without conditions, the philosophical look on the fall of man, differences in the endtimes and anti legalistic views, i'm jw to people although i'm really a biblestudent.
a guy on another board filled with 'heresy' asked me of a jw interpretation of the lazarus story, maybe some will like this; .
nothing in old testament back up either immortal soul or torment in hell.
Rev B,
You are certainly unique.
However, please know, there's lots of crocodiles in this pond.
who among you are among the more unconventional?
what latent creative skills do you have?
do we have others here with interests in broadcasting, the media, film, photography, visual culture, music, sculpture etc?.
I've been free-lance for 25 years.
I keep trying to dumb down.
British Toasters have bigger transformers and smaller hertz.
The 50 cycle mind with an incoherent wavelength always resists the heat of watts good for current inductive prime movers.
what things do you guys hate, why, and what do you do about it?.
"you ever get lonely?.".
I hate pride, especially among so-called Christians that have an assumed superiority over others in the body of Christ.
I hate resentment that stifles growth.
I hate the dispositions that never forgive, and forget, and sally forth.
I hate the communist sparrows that no one seems to understand about.
a jw couple stopped by my house today.
i was typing away on my computer when there was a knock at my door.
i turned around and could see a guy in a suit and knew who it was!
So, you had fun. I was amused. And you would do again, wouldn't you.
ha ha
recently i received an e-mail from someone very close to me.
the e-mail was so vile, i stopped reading and called a good friend who is a jw.
the jw knows the writer very well.
Ms. Beetle said,
The concept that 'people that don't believe in demons are never bothered by them' is a very interesting one. Now how would a person go about supporting that concept?
The demons love it when people think they don't exist. Realize please that the objective of demons is against Christians primarily and those that might have a chance to find God. One of their most deceiving tactics is to have it such that people--the clergy especially--do not believe in them or that they do not affect people today.
In my learning I have come to know that some people can be very awful, and yet the demons not even bother them where the person realizes it. In general, why should demons bother these people if they are not Christians nor are seeking God. Basically demons primarily involve themselves in whatever helps achieve their goal: to serve Satan.
Demons also play good-guy bad-guy. Here is where demons can play with and deceived people to his advantage, especially when they seek him out for power or whatever, either purposely or because of their reckless behaviors, such as involving themselves with spiritism, etc.
I DO think it's interesting that sometimes when someone who appears to be classicly 'demonized' receives massive amounts of medication, they don't show symptoms of demonism anymore!!The medication incapacitates the person, especially the nervous system where the demons often attach themselves to oppress the person. The medication destroys the normal vitality and functioning of the life of the person or Christian.
So, by this, either the demons have achieved indirectly part of their goal to steal, kill, & destroy, or they are prevented from their chosen oppressive tactics over the BODY since it is drugged.
However, the mind[thoughts and voices] and subconscious[dreams] are still vunerable, even though the mind-body [psychosomatic] interaction of the person is dumbed down. I know of a person here in Grand Island that is drugged alllll the time; he hears voices and will talk back and forth with them if he chooses.
Because of the ignorance and fear of the members of his church, he is not helped with his problems. He is only 23 and perhaps could live his life out trapped because of others' ignorance and whimpy disposition of not helping him properly.
Keep in mind please that the Christian is usually oppressed bodily; can never be totally oppressed in mind; and absolutely never oppressed in spirit at all. The Christian still has the TRUMP CARD of God's Holy Spirit within them. The oppressed Christian needs to "submit to God" in ways where he is forced to learn from and repent from sin, and then resist Satan, by the power of Christ within him.
it's a funny ol' world.
a month ago i was mucking about with some thick fencing wire and i suddenly got the idea to bend a couple of pieces into a set of divining rods like i've seen old nutters doing on tv.
so i cut two sections of wire about 2' long and bent the ends 4" at 90 degrees to form old fashioned diving rods (twitching sticks are made of yew or hickory or something .. don't know what, if anything aboriginies used).
You just got proof that the supernatural exists. You're dealing with demonic influences.
Read the following that still applies for us today in Deut. 18:
....thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
10 There shall not be found among you....THAT USETH DIVINATION, [and so forth] [this includes the ouija board stuff as well.]
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD:
You can be cocky about this is you like, but notice that it says you are an abomination to the Lord. This kind of stuff give grounds for Satan in your life big time, if he so chooses to affect you. All kidding aside, you fellows are very very foolish for playing with this. Of course, the JWs only addressed the diving rod issue in the five years.
The idea of wooden sticks being drawn to water is rediculous.
wait on jehovah, is an interesting terminology.
it is used basically to stop an action from taking place.
the inference would be that you should leave it in gods hands and in his due time he will maneuver things to address the matter.
I am sorry for what you have been through. No wonder you are so sensitive to straight talk.
What have you done to replace the past?
In Christ
g'day nathan,.
i thought your post below very interesting and in order to answer you about my thoughts on satan and change tack a little, i've raised this to the top.
excuse me, but unlike all the talk about why the watchtower society sucks and what's your favorite toilet paper, myth is a subject i actually get off on.
Dear Fellows,
I believe in the Word of the Bible. I believe it to be inspired and from "the" God. My beliefs are subject to change, but only as I can discern new and different things to facilitate the Bible and my conscience.
I always enjoy and seek to learn and understand more about knowledge of any kind that rationally applies to the Bible. What is rational here means that which is acceptable to my conscience, along with the affects of the Counselor upon me in my reasoning.
To go beyond the Bible into the affects of humanity and human history upon its beginnings and development is a very relative thing to me; for, again, I believe the Bible to be truly inspired and from God.
I stop short of trying to "improve" the Bible to myself other than by comparative examinations of it to others translations, transliterations, and interpretations of original scripture wordings. I approve of non-canonical knowledge that allows me to get a sense of the context of the scriptures for a particular time.
To view the Bible as just another form of secular rhyme and reason, as I perceive these comentaries hint upon, I reject. Your subject matters I find of interest, but only tokenly so. Your relativisms, probablities, conjectures, and discoveries are to me a disruption and competition against faith.
By faith, I mean not blind faith without any regard to reason or without humility to accept other considerations of thought and knowledge, but rather that faith built upon and strengthened by knowledge and thought whose nature is homogeneous to existing truth, proved by the essence of its compatibility with existing good reasoning about the inspired scriptures.
As before I perceive the use of the minds here to be about intertaining labyrinthine quests of unimportant things that lead neither to God or to Salvation.
On the surface I believe Truth is for the most part simple, as it should be, such that every man can learn and believe. Below the surface is the wisdom of man with his independent self-worship. Above the surface are the divine mysteries of supernatural powers, justice, love, and mercy.
I have merely touched upon the supernatural as to how it helps and protects me, and how it seeks to kill, steal, and destroy me.
I open up my spirit, soul, and mind to all that is of God, that I might be given through his son Jesus Christ. Of course I do not understand or perceive the consequences of saying this, but this is done by my faith, not by discernment using belaboring inquiries about human wisdom.
I think it rediculous to use man's secular wisdom to know God or to challenge the God of the Bible of his existence or authenticity. My anchor is much simpler; it is one of faith.
By my faith, as in a twinkling of an eye, I have overcome even death.
did any of you have disproportionate fears of demons, and if you are able to, what was your experience in your emotions with these strong fears?
how did knowledge at such a young age affect you with the detailed graphic descriptions given my the published litureture?
were there any publications which freaked you in any way?
Celtic said
I believe in Christ but I am probably not your average Christian. Do you really have to use this as an opportunity to preach to us, if there is one thing we are all tired of here, it is ramming messages down peoples throats, it is neither the time nor the place?
Celtic, I am thinking you still have a disproportiate fear of demons, as in your childhood. That fear is still residual; otherwise, you would not whense so about this subject. We need to get rid of that by learning about them. The best way is to learn who you are in Christ.
Now you want me to be quiet. Satan also wants me to be quiet and also for you to be still fearful and irritated. Even if you never read what I wrote here, that memory and fear would still be there, right. So, knowledge gets rid of it, right. Please go get the "Bondage Breaker" by Neil Anderson.
Also, have you thought of yourself as a Christian soldier and what that means. Do you know the battle against the demons is already won [at Jesus's death and resurrection], only you are still in their territory as long as you live on this earth, and especially as a Christian. You need to get rid of that fear by learning about spiritual armor, and its application of usage.
A Christian is not a whimp that pretends that Satan does not exist, and neither does he go looking for demons. However, our duty is to preach the word in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and ANYONE doing this comes under the attention of the demons, and most have no idea about how they might be affected.
I was a witness for 31 years. The scary-movie thought was a mere example of a dumb adult talking about the boogie man. It was not to explain the depth and trauma of a child's fear from that dumb talk.
By the way. Do you know what your "gift" in Christ is? The Bible says to "not to be neglecting the gift in you." Think about it and how you can make application.
I don't expect a person in heavy spiritual transistion in their life to capture this with a lot of fortitute; but HEY, we got a NEW DAY, right guys. DO YOU GUYS REALLY REALIZE HOW FREE YOU ARE? NO WT control, no DEMONIC CONTROL, but they are still in our craw!
I just want to encourage you and temper it with mercy and my share my love for the Body Of Christ.
In Christ,